Access Consciousness

All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory!



“Every choice we’ve made has created what we
live today…
If you change what you choose…what you have for

tomorrow is different and greater and more

– Gary Douglas

What Is Access Consciousness™?

Think of it as a reset of a computer's memory, but in this case the human brain.  Allowing the flow of energy to get rid of ideas, feelings that keeps one on the edge and making room to create new ones.  

How is it accomplished?

A trained facilitator would be the person touching 32 points on our head that create and allow the destruction of ideas or beliefs that no longer provide opportunities of new thoughts and joy. Access clears the energy underneath the words.  There is no judgment in Access Consciousness, no separation from all of creation.

Imagine having a relax moment when you can clearly ask questions that can allow you to get to know what works for you, being able to make changes by using a clearing statements to change the energy  and undo and unlock them so you can make a different choice and have a new possibility.


Access Consciousness – the Bars

A Bars session will help you let go of all this pent up energy unblocking your conscious and allowing new possibilities into your life through the touch of a trained professional.

Access Consciousness Bars Session benefits:
  • Quicker recovery times with any old or new injuries, surgeries, or diseases.
  • Improvements in your health both physically and emotionally.
  • General depression vanishes for many after just one session.
  • Erasing limitations and changing everything that does not work in your life without any effort on your part.
  • Provides deep relaxation while revitalizing and energizing you.
  • Opens your conscious to receiving new information allowing more relaxation in all aspects of your life.
  • Allows us to let go of the situations and qualities in people that create difficulties in our lives.
  • Improves mental clarity allowing improved work performance and grade without having to work harder.

Are you ready to open up to opportunities of fun and joy?  Can it get any better than this?

30 Minutes Access Bars -  $70 (Same for child)

60 Minutes Access Bars -  $120 

Access Bars and Facelift - 120 Minutes - $250

Access Body Process include Access Bars or Access Energetic Facelift and many other body processes including verbal processing and energetic clearings.

Access Conscious Benefits Children

It is easier for children to unlearn or let go of any limitations.  Children are inclined to ask everything around them, open up to all the possibilities the world has to offer.  This helps to improve grades and relationships with friends and parents. Even children with prior emotional problems or from families with divorced parents begin to take control of their lives.


Access Energetic Facelift

This process can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and can also create something similar to the rest of the body.  With this process  we use energies that will lift and rejuvenate the whole body while using a comforting, soothing touch while nurturing your face and neck.

This facelift is already been provided by professionals at spas, plastic surgeon's offices worldwide.  It is recommended in order to make a permanent change, that 20 sessions are are done consecutively.

1 hour session of Access Energetic Facelift -  $140

5 sessions - $600


Book Now

To learn more about Access Bars™ , we invite you to watch the video below.

Access Body Process - these are verbal processes and hands-on bodywork that unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically.  It is understood that when you start to change the way you relate to your body, you start to change how you relate to everything in your life.

1 hour session of Access Body Process -  $140

5 sessions - $650

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