Biomedis Shop



Biomedis Trinity experience by a doctor in south Florida.   Biomedis Trinity   How with the rife frequency her body experienced a reverse reaction of a medical condition.


TRINITY - $590

BIOMEDIS TRINITY enhances body functions and systems (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, excretory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, lymphatic, immune), it improves working capacity of organs, prevents premature aging, maintains natural balance.

The work of BIOMEDIS TRINITY is natural and does not create anything unfamiliar or atypical for our body and mind. There is 100% secure and patented technology used.

actiway device


This device is recommended for maintaining health and normal functioning of all organs and body systems. This a smaller version of the Trinity with three frequencies at a time.

Studies have shown that the background rhythm of the Earth serves as a reference signal to the brain, affecting the pineal gland, providing regulation of biorhythms of endocrine functions and metabolism of the organism.

*Attention! The device is contraindicated in the presence of an implantable pacemaker.

zenway deviceZENWAVE - $391

ZENWAVE device is a controlled oscillator analyzer that is used to influence the body and mind of a person and to control the physical and emotional state as well as life-event processes.

BL imitates the natural primary electromagnetic background of the Earth that has been existing in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Human brain rhythms synchronized with the background of the Earth in the process of evolution.


Using technology that helps restore and harmonize all meridians and neutralize radioactive harmful, while at the same time providing electromagnetic field protection.

BIOSKY red photonic crystal is tuned to ‘three heaters-pericardium’ meridian and:

  • coordinates the activity of all internal organs, eliminates energy imbalance between the organs;
  • affects the endocrine and nervous system;
  • affects the activity of intelligence, helps to normalize the processes of the brain;
  • regulates psycho-emotional activity;
  • regulates the emotional sphere of a sexual nature;
  • is a conductor of innate energy.


Using technology that helps restore and harmonize all meridians and neutralize radioactive harmful, while at the same time providing electromagnetic field protection.

BIOSKY violet photonic crystal is tuned to ‘Heart-small intestine’ meridian and it:

  • regulates the work of heart and small intestine;
  • provides normal regulation of blood circulation in organs and tissues;
  • regulates higher nervous activity (consciousness, thinking, emotions);
  • regulates sweating;
  • affects the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, absorbency of food;
  • due to the regulation of the small intestine, it supports healthy immunity.


Using technology that helps restore and harmonize all meridians and neutralize radioactive harmful, while at the same time providing electromagnetic field protection.

Biosky photonic crystal – yellow is set for the ‘Stomach-spleen’ meridian and it:

  • regulates the work of stomach, pancreas and spleen;
  • affects the lymphatic system;
  • affects muscles and adipose tissue;
  • provides high-quality digestion and nutrients intake;
  • improving pancreatic function affects lipid metabolism and insulin production;
  • affects the endocrine system;



Using technology that helps restore and harmonize all meridians and neutralize radioactive harmful, while at the same time providing electromagnetic field protection.

Biosky photonic crystal – green is set for the ‘liver-gall bladder’ meridian and it:

  • regulates the work of liver, gall bladder, tendons and ligaments;
  • regulates blood circulation (blood distribution in the internal organs);
  • enhances detoxification function;
  • affects the function of the nervous system;
  • affects the function of digestion and intestine;
  • regulates the bile flow.


Using technology that helps restore and harmonize all meridians and neutralize radioactive harmful, while at the same time providing electromagnetic field protection.

Biosky photonic crystal – blue is set for the ‘kidneys-urinary bladder’ meridian and it:

  • regulates the work of kidneys, adrenal glands, endocrine glands, bone system, brain and spinal cord;
  • affects the processes of consciousness and thinking;
  • affects central nervous system and endocrine system;


Using technology that helps restore and harmonize all meridians and neutralize radioactive harmful, while at the same time providing electromagnetic field protection.

Biosky photonic crystal – white is set for the  ‘lungs-large intestine’ meridian and it:

  • regulates the work of the respiratory system and large intestine;
  • controls the circulation of vital forces and fluids (body juices) in the body, controls breathing;
  • supports respiratory energy in the body;
  • affects the upper respiratory tract



A photonic crystal for harmonization of the electro informational bio field of a human and neutralization of electromagnetic radiation.

BIOSKY STICKER is a photonic crystal for harmonization of the electro informational bio field of a human and neutralization of electromagnetic radiation.
BIOSKY STICKER is a modification of BIOSKY photonic crystal in shape of sticker.
BIOSKY STICKER is aimed to be stuck to mobile phones, WI-Fi routers, tv, PC screens, laptops, tablets and other devices which is a source of electromagnetic radiation.

Why do we need BIOSKY STICKER?

Using BIOSKY you create a safe space around you.
You protect your bio field from unnecessary interferences, harmful electromagnetic radiations and impact of other bio objects of live nature. Your body will not be disturbed from self-restoring and adjusting the immune system.
According our research, the effectiveness of bio resonance devices work significantly increase in places where there is no electromagnetic radiation. The devices users also note that when leaving for places with no EMR sources the results of application of devices Trinity and Actiway significantly improve. This effect is due to the fact that in the space free from electromagnetic smog the body ‘hears’ better the useful frequencies of bio resonance devices. Using the BIOSKY stickers at home you increase the effectiveness of Trinity and Actiway. Your organs are tuned to ‘healthy’ frequencies.


Bio Resonance Intellectual Scanner (Express test) is designed to measure electrical parameters of biologically active zones, bearing information about condition of inter-related organs and systems.

Device purpose:
  • Determination of functional state of organs and systems, associated with biologically active points and zones (BAP and BAZ);

  • Determination of causation (cause ) and topography of disease through testing of nozodes, organic preparations etc.;

  • Individual selection of preparations, biologically active additives, phyto-homoeopathic, homotoxicological preparatioons etc., testing of allergens, food, cosmetics etc. without their introduction into organism (remote action phenomenon);

  • Control over efficiency of means, used for treatment and prophylaxis of diseases;

  • Modern methods enable you to see your aura and charka;

  • You can efficiency control and, if necessary correct treatment process.

The essence of automatic data processing is a measurement of electrical conductivity parameters in biologically active points on hands, legs and head, which are protectively related to different zones, organs and systems in the organism.

Disclaimer: Any and all information are for educational purposes only. It is by no means meant to be taken as medical advice or replacement for medical care. None of the products on this website are intended as a diagnosis, treatment, cure or proven to prevent any disease. You should never change or stop taking any medication unless you have discussed the situation with your medical practitioner.

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